
Showing posts from February, 2024

Topic A Update

 Hi delegates! I wanted to bring your attention to some important points and things to consider for Topic A: Sportswashing and the Rights of Athletes. For sportswashing, consider who or what decides what is and isn't sportswashing in your country. What impact do these entities have on the sports industry? For the rights of athletes, research the major sports governing bodies and what they have done to protect the rights of their athletes. Pay attention to the effectiveness these measures have actually had. I would also like to emphasize the sports culture you have in your nation. Are there any prominent examples that could relate to either subtopic? And what actions have already been taken? Best, Adam Zbriger UNHRC BMUN 72

Procedure and Committee Flow

  Hi Delegates! I wanted to check in with you to provide some more insight to how our committee is going to work at BMUN 72. UNHRC will be using Standard BMUN Procedure .  Our committee will begin by opening a running Speaker’s List (standard speaking time is 1 minute, 30 seconds) and those speeches will be followed by two 30-second comments by other delegates. This is the default timing for the Speaker’s List and can be amended if agreed upon by the committee. The Speaker’s List can also be interrupted by Moderated Caucuses and Informal Caucuses that allow delegates to exchange opinions on policy, solutions, and more specific aspects of the topics at hand. In our committee, our dais plans on leaving the flow of committee up to you delegates, so we suggest you come prepared with specific subtopics and policies you hope to discuss! During Informal Caucus time, delegates are expected to draft and write Resolutions which will then be presented to the committee during a Formal Ca...

Vice Chair Intro: Kathryn!

Who's excited for BMUN 72!!! I know I am!  Hello Delegates,  My name is Kathryn Clark (she/her) and I am one of your Vice Chairs for UNHRC at BMUN 72! Some fun facts about me: I am a second-year majoring in Public Health and Integrative Biology, with a minor in Human Rights (omg UNHRC!) on the Pre-Med track. I am deeply interested in Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health as well as becoming a family practitioner or pulmonary physician! I am also super passionate about health equity, community health education, and am working on a research project with the department of public health related to youth nutrition and physical activity!  I am the USG of Media and Alumni Relations for BMUN 72! This means I am in charge of our instagram and various social media outlets, go check us out @berkeleymun. Along with this I connect the secretariat with 72 years of amazing BMUN alumni and focus on internal professional development! I also take photos at all of our events, which include...

Vice Chair Intro: Adam

 Hello everyone! My name is Adam (he/him) and I will be one of your vice chairs for BMUN 72's UN Human Rights Committee. About me: I'm in my second year at UC Berkeley double majoring in physics and astrophysics. In my time here at Cal, I've worked with kids at a museum, the Lawrence Hall of Science, which has allowed me to gain a greater appreciation for how incredible science can be to those who are first learning about it. As part of the Undergraduate Astronomy Society, I've gotten to work with likeminded people with the same interests, received help with homework (which I always very much appreciate), and even took a trip to Chabot Space Center to use the professional telescopes there, which was one of the greatest moments of my entire educational career. I grew up local, just south of San Francisco, so a lot of the culture of Berkeley is familiar to me, yet sometimes I feel like I'm a world away. I'm a big fan of rock music, especially punk, and will read/w...

Head Chair Intro: Stephanie!

 Hello lovely people!  My name is Stephanie Nguyen (she/her), and I will be your head chair for BMUN 72's UN Human Rights Committee!  Some things about me: I am in my second year at Berkeley majoring in English and minoring in Education and Journalism. Throughout my time so far at Cal, I have developed many interests that I am still navigating and learning from. As a swim instructor for Berkeley Recreation and a volunteer at a local middle school in Oakland, I love working with kids and am interested in the way educators make meaning through engaging literacy practices. I'm also part of our university's newspaper, The Daily Cal , and I absolutely love it. As part of the Weekender department of the newspaper, I get to write creatively and share my personal essays and poems which has made me love writing again. I also just got into the Sports department and am incredibly excited to start attending more Cal games and being able to narrate them! If you read the welcome letter...

Welcome to BMUN!!!

 Hello delegates!!  We are incredibly excited to welcome you to BMUN 72 and the UN Human Rights Committee!  In this committee, you will be thinking critically and creatively about how cultural and social factors hold deep human rights implications that are not widely apparent. Moreover, we hope that your research and engagement in debate help you realize your own impact on the world through your consumption, awareness, and interactions with businesses, governments, the media, and other institutions. Our first topic addresses sportswashing and the rights of athletes, and our second topic covers ritual attacks and honor killings.  This blog will act as our committee's more informal avenue for discussion and communication before the conference -- and we'd love to see you interact with it! The purpose of this blog is to (1) allow you to actively engage with the content of this committee and (2) give you all the opportunity to learn about other countries' policies before ...