Vice Chair Intro: Adam
Hello everyone!
My name is Adam (he/him) and I will be one of your vice chairs for BMUN 72's UN Human Rights Committee.
About me: I'm in my second year at UC Berkeley double majoring in physics and astrophysics. In my time here at Cal, I've worked with kids at a museum, the Lawrence Hall of Science, which has allowed me to gain a greater appreciation for how incredible science can be to those who are first learning about it. As part of the Undergraduate Astronomy Society, I've gotten to work with likeminded people with the same interests, received help with homework (which I always very much appreciate), and even took a trip to Chabot Space Center to use the professional telescopes there, which was one of the greatest moments of my entire educational career.
I grew up local, just south of San Francisco, so a lot of the culture of Berkeley is familiar to me, yet sometimes I feel like I'm a world away. I'm a big fan of rock music, especially punk, and will read/watch/listen to pretty much any science fiction or fantasy media, and am practically guaranteed to enjoy it.
I never participated in MUN in high school and this is my first year in BMUN. Nevertheless, I already know I've learned so much, both about the topics related to this committee and more general issues in international relations, politics, and conflicts. I've considered ideas I never would have otherwise, and am looking forward to future years of continuing to do the same.
I look forward to meeting you all and I can't wait for BMUN 72!
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